In addition to providing consulting services, we at Zyah Solutions want to help grow the LabVIEW community.
Here you can find some of the tools and utilities we’ve created to help improve LabVIEW development
Auto Update Utility
The Zyah Auto Update Utility provides an API that developers can use to more easily provide automatic updates to their NI Package bundled software.
Read more about it in the blog post.
Bowzer the Browzer
Bowzer the Browser is a utility that helps developers discover and navigate public Msg APIs for all actors in a project.
Read more about it in the blog post.
Open AF Payload Method Utility
The Zyah Open AF Payload Method utility adds a right-click menu option to AF Msg “Send” VIs allowing developers to more quickly jump to the block diagram of AF payload methods.
Read more about it in the blog post.
AF Msg Constructor Utility
The Zyah AF Msg Constructor is a utility that adds a right-click menu to create a “Construct” method for AF message classes. It bundles all of the necessary Msg information without sending the Msg class.
Read more about it in the blog post.
AF Msg Forwarding Utility
The Zyah AF Msg Forwarding toolkit is a utility to aid in automatic Actor Framework message forwarding based off of interface inheritance. Includes the utility, different message maps and a base actor that utilizes both.
Read more about it in the blog post.